Defective Elevators

Though most of us do not consider elevators, escalators, or motorized walkways to be particularly dangerous, the unfortunate reality is that accidents do happen. If you were injured in such an accident you should know that a New York City defective elevators lawyer right here at the Law Office of James Trainor, P.C. is prepared to fight for you. We have handled countless injury cases involving defective elevators, escalators, and motorized walkways, and we are here to help you as well. Contact us today.

New York City Defective Elevators Lawyer | Fighting for Those Injured by Defective Elevators

Under New York law, property owners must maintain passenger elevators, escalators, and motorized walkways inside their premises in a safe condition. Depending on the type of building, building owners may be required to hire specially licensed maintenance firms to service their people-moving-devices once a month and otherwise as needed.

Because malfunctioning elevators, escalators, and moving walkways put the public at risk for catastrophic injuries and death, New York State and City have enacted special laws requiring building owners and maintenance firms to inspect, service, and repair people-moving-devices regularly and to keep detailed records of such services. If you believe you were injured because of a defective elevator, escalator, or motorized walkway, give our New York City personal injury attorney a call today.

Causes of Elevator, Escalator, and Moving Walkway Accidents

Our experience with people-moving-device cases and our work with impeccably qualified experts in the field has made clear the multifaceted ways in which neglected elevators, escalators, and moving walkways can break bones, rip tissues, and destroy lives, including:


  • Doors fail to automatically retract while a patron enters or exits the cabin
  • Doors open before the cabin reaches the floor
  • Cabin mislevels with the floor
  • The cabin abruptly stops or drops
  • Automatic stop devices malfunction


  • Gaps between steps and sidewalls
  • Sudden stops, starts, and/or jerks
  • Uneven risers and steps
  • Direction reversals
  • Improper spacing between landing comb teeth and step grooves

Moving Walkways

  • Movement at unsafe speeds
  • Lack of traction at the landing
  • Sudden stops, starts, and/or jerks
  • Inadequate clearance between railings
  • Oil and/or grease on the floor surface

Proving Your New York City Defective Elevators Claim

After sustaining an injury in an accident, if you can, you should try to document the facts surrounding the incident. This can include taking pictures/videos of the accident, asking witnesses for contact information, calling the police and seeking medical treatment, keeping a copy of all medical documentation/bills associated with their accident, and more. Finally, you should hire an experienced attorney who can use this evidence to fight for the compensation you deserve in your personal injury claim.

Contact a New York City Defective Elevators Lawyer

If you have been injured while moving or attempting to move by elevator, escalator, or mechanical walkway, you will want an attorney who knows where to look, who to ask, and what other materials to seek to determine both the negligent conduct and mechanical cause of your accident. That’s where the Law Office of James Trainor P.C. enters the picture. We litigate these cases, have the requisite experts on call, and can help you pursue maximum recovery against the responsible property owner and maintenance company. You deserve our thorough efforts to recover full compensation. Contact our firm to schedule your free initial consultation today. We are here to help.

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